• Jun 17, 2022

What is a Birth Injury?

What is a Birth Injury?

Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203

Giving birth is a stressful and fragile time for all parties involved. If something goes wrong before, during, or shortly after the delivery of a baby, the consequences of the accident could be permanent. Although doctors and nurses can make mistakes, it is the parents and families who have to live with the consequences. Each year in California, many families struggle to re-adjust to normalcy when their baby experiences lifelong issues due to negligent birth care.

Lawyers for Justice, PC helps California families who have been devastated by birth injuries and has successfully recovered millions of dollars for Californians who have experienced injustices. Our powerful team of birth injury lawyers fight for our clients. We believe half justice is an injustice and we go to great lengths to ensure our clients are protected.

Potential Birth Injuries

What exactly classifies a birth injury? Infants can suffer from a wide array of injuries at birth, including:

  • Bleeding inside or on the brain
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Brain damage
  • Skull fracture
  • Facial paralysis
  • Brain swelling

Some of these injuries are less noticeable than others. If you’re concerned your newborn or child may be injured, it’s very important to speak to your doctor immediately. If you believe your child’s injury may have been caused by a medical mistake, call Lawyers for Justice, PC right away so our birth injury lawyers can help.

Birth Injury Symptoms

How do you know what to look for when trying to detect a birth injury? Below are some of the most common symptoms of birth injuries:

  • If the baby has a “floppy” appearance or there is any indication there is a lack of muscle tone
  • Limbs may appear limp
  • If a breathing tube needs to be inserted to revive the baby
  • If the infant develops seizures within 48 hours of delivery
  • If the infant has issues breathing on their own after delivery.
  • If the baby has bruises, scratches, other marks, or swelling anywhere on their body

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of birth injury symptoms. Some infant injuries can be recognized immediately, while other children’s injuries could take months or years before becoming more prominent. All parents want the best for their children. If you suspect your child is displaying signs or symptoms of developmental delays, consult with your doctor immediately. And if you think your child’s delays could be linked to an injury they experienced at birth or because of medical malpractice, call the birth injury lawyers at Lawyers for Justice, PC today. We can help parents and children recover the compensation that is owed to them that may alleviate some of the child’s obstacles in the future.

California Birth Injury Lawyers Who Can Help

Having a baby experience a birth injury can be a very complex and confusing hurdle for parents. Hospitals are powerful entities and can dismiss claims they think could be a threat to them. That’s where the birth injury lawyers at Lawyers for Justice, PC come in. Our powerful attorneys have fought against some of the nation’s largest and biggest corporations and have won; we aren’t afraid to stand up to powerful entities that mistreat Californians.

If you believe your child may have experienced a birth injury, the next step is to contact and hire a qualified lawyer to help you through the process of filing a lawsuit.

Our reputable team of California birth injury lawyers knows the applicable case laws and regulations that apply in California. We pride ourselves on helping families understand their legal rights, the hospital’s liability, and whether or not it is appropriate to file a lawsuit.

Many parents are busy caring for their injured child and don’t have the time or resources to fight powerful hospital lawyers amid their child’s tragedy. Let us take the load off your shoulders. Retaining a California birth injury lawyer levels the playing field. It can give parents a powerful ally who can ensure mistreated families receive justice.

Let Us Fight for You

Lawyers for Justice, PC has over a decade of experience fighting for Californians who have been mistreated and abused by large corporations. We know how to prepare and go up against big companies and we vow to put up our strongest fight in order to bring parents justice for their children.

Time is of the essence. Contact Lawyers for Justice, PC today before the statute of limitations expires. We can help you gather the documentation you need in order to file a birth injury claim.

Contact us today at (844) 568-1702 for a free consultation. We do not collect any up-front fees from our clients.

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Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203


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