• Oct 24, 2022

How Do You Respond to a Motorcycle Accident?

How Do You Respond to a Motorcycle Accident?

Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203

Recent motorcycle statistics showed that in 2019, 509 motorcycle deaths were recorded, which only trailed 2018’s deaths by 29. Motorcycle accident rates have risen significantly from 2010 until 2022. Motorcycle accidents are less frequent than other drive accidents, such as car accidents, but they are still potentially deadly for all parties involved and each injured person should seek medical attention after leaving the crash scene.

There are important precautionary measures motorcycle riders should take, like wearing helmets obeying speed limits and traffic laws, and being respectful of other road users.

1. Collect information

After a motorcycle crash, at the accident scene, it’s important to obtain the other driver’s information. This should be done as soon as possible after the injured rider and the other driver are sure they have not sustained any visibly severe injuries.

Gathering evidence about motorcycle accidents will allow both drivers to get a hold of the other if, worst case scenario, one of them refuses to take responsibility for the accident. In the case of most motorcycle accidents, an injured rider forgets to collect the information of the other driver. And when the time comes to file an insurance claim, the more the insurance company knows about what happened at the accident scene, the better.

Collect as much information as possible, including the dates and time the accident occurred, if there was any damage to the accident scene (aside from the vehicles involved), if a police officer was present, the people involved, a telephone number of parties involved and witnesses, and if there were any injuries or broken bones that could be noticed.

2. Assess the Damages

A good way to asses the damage is to take as many pictures as possible. If there are serious injuries and the police arrive, it might also be necessary to call emergency services if someone was seriously injured in the motorcycle accident.

Be careful not to admit fault; a personal injury lawyer can advise you and fight for you on your best interests. There also could be internal injuries that someone is suffering and while admitting fault might not seem like a bad idea at the time, if the injuries end up being worse than originally thought, the person who admitted fault could be held liable.

3. Get a Copy of the Police Report

The emergency personal or police officer will prepare an official accident report if they arrive to the scene of the accident. The report could includes what the officer observed about the collision, the concerned parties, and other details regarding the person or motorcycle driver involved. The police document is extremely important, however sometimes the process of obtaining a copy can take time. Drivers should be patient, but should also follow-up and contact the officer for updates.

4. Gather Evidence

Similar to obtaining other drivers’ information, gathering evidence can also include picking up any shards of glass, pieces of the damaged vehicle, or taking photos from different angles of any bodily injuries. The most useful evidence disappears when the accident site clears, so be sure to collect what you can immediately after the motorcycle accident.

Having evidence is an effective way of helping a California motorcycle accident attorney fight your case. The law offices of Lawyers for Justice, PC offer a free case evaluation to help motorcyclists involved in an accident with other vehicles so they do not have to pay for legal services unless they win their case.

5. Stay Calm

The scene of a motorcycle accident can be a scary place. It’s important to stay calm, even if you are suffering from injuries. If the injuries are severe, stay calm until emergency attention, such as an ambulance, can respond.

If the injury is less severe, breathe deeply, apply pressure to any lacerations on the flesh, and try to locate a first aid kit to see if any bandages are available.

Leaving the scene of an accident can result in legal problems in the near future. Accidents on motorcycles can cause tremendous distress and when you remain calm, you will get a clear grasp of the important events.

6. Contact Emergency Services

Before taking pictures of the crash scene, contact any emergency personnel, like an ambulance, if any drivers are severely injured. Dialing 911 to report the urgent situation is the best course of action.

7. Talk to a lawyer

The legal team in the law offices at Lawyers for Justice, PC focuses on maximizing compensation for clients. The lawyers’ goal is to protect the person injured in the motorcycle accident and ensure they obtain compensation for an injury if the they were not at fault. Lawyers for Justice, PC is a personal injury law firm in California that puts clients first and they collect no up-front fees to retain legal counsel.

8. Inform Your Insurance Company About the Motorcycle Accident

Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as it’s over. Make sure to write down the file number or policy number so you can follow back up with the insurance company, or else provide it to your California accident attorney so they can follow up. You are the first person you need to protect after an injury. And your insurance company will do everything they can to ensure you are protected. But a California motorcycle accident lawyer will go even further.

Severe Personal Injuries Are Common for Motorcyclists After a Crash

Whether it’s back injuries, head injuries, or other bodily harm, injury to the body is common after devastating motorcycle accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates the death rate for motorcyclists is 27 times greater than that for someone driving in a car.

See a Doctor Immediately

One of the most important things to do – even if you don’t believe any emergency services are required for the motorcycle accident you were involved in – is to contact a medical professional immediately and seek care for a potential injury you might not be aware of (like internal bleeding). Motorcyclists who see a doctor after a vehicle crash are wise. A doctor can protect their health down the line if any other medical conditions arise as a result of their accident.

How Do I Recover From a Motorcycle Accident?

If you were a driver in a vehicle and experienced an accident, the first thing to do is to seek medical attention. After that, it might even be a good idea to see a mental health specialist, like a therapist, psychologist, or psychologist if the ordeal was especially devastating or traumatizing.

Sometimes mental health services are covered by your insurance policy. But a California motorcycle accident lawyer can help guide the best course of action on how to recover mentally after the crash

Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203


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