• Feb 24, 2023

Dog Bite Statute of Limitations

Dog Bite Statute of Limitations

Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203

Dog Bite Laws in California

A dog bite can be a serious and traumatic experience, and unfortunately, they are not uncommon. In California, a dog owner is held strictly liable for injuries caused by their dogs in legal dog bites cases. Here’s what you need to know about a dog bite lawsuit in California.

Strict Liability: Under California law, a dog owner is expressly responsible for any injuries caused by their dog, regardless of whether the dog owner was negligent or knew the dog was dangerous. This means that the dog bite victim does not need to prove that the owner was at fault or knew it was a dangerous dog to recover damages for any dog bite injuries.

Statute of Limitations: In California, there is a statute of limitations on dog bite injuries to file a dog bite lawsuit. A dog bite victim must file a claim within two years of the date the personal injury occurred. If the dog bite claim is not filed within the two-year period, the injured person may lose the right to recover damages from the dog attack.

Compensation: If a person received a dog bite in California, state law dictates that victims in dog bites cases they may be entitled to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. The victim, however, must prove that the dog caused the injury and that the owner is liable for the dog’s actions in the personal injury lawsuit.

Dangerous Dogs: In addition to strict liability for dog bites, California law also allows for the designation of a “dangerous dog.” A dangerous dog is one that has bitten a person or shown aggressive behavior in the past. The owner of a dangerous dog may be required to take certain precautions, such as keeping the dog on a leash or in a secure enclosure, and may be liable for any injuries caused by the dog in a potential dog bite lawsuit.

If you or a loved one has suffered a dog bite in California, it is important to seek medical attention immediately and report the bite to the authorities. You should also consult with an experienced personal injury attorney, like the powerful team at Lawyers for Justice, PC, who can help you understand your dog bite claim rights and pursue compensation for the dog bite attack.

California’s strict liability laws and dangerous dog laws for dog bites dog attacks are designed to protect the public from dangerous dogs and hold owners responsible for the actions of their pets. If you received a dog bite, it may warrant a dog bite case. It is important to understand your legal rights and seek the advice of an experienced attorney who can help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Dog Bite Statute of Limitations

In California, there is a statute of limitations on dog bite cases and dog bite claims. A statute of limitations is the legal time limit within which a person must file a personal injury lawsuit. If the claim is not filed within the two-year time frame, the victim may lose the right to recover damages.

As previously mentioned, dog bite claims in California carry a statute of limitations for two years from the date of the dog bite. This means that an injured person has two years from the date of the dog bite to file a lawsuit against the dog’s owner. If the claim is not filed within the two-year period, the injured person may lose the right to recover damages for their personal injury.

It is important to note that the statute of limitations applies to all types of dog bite claims, including claims for strict liability and negligence. Strict liability claims are based on the idea that the dog owner is automatically responsible for any injuries caused by their dog, regardless of whether the owner was negligent or knew the dog was dangerous. Negligence claims, on the other hand, require the injured person to prove that the owner was negligent in some way, such as by failing to control their dog.

In some cases, the statute of limitations may be extended. For example, if the injured person was a minor at the time of the dog bite, the two-year period may not begin until the minor turns 18 years old. In addition, the statute of limitations may be paused in certain circumstances; such as if the injured person was incapacitated and unable to file a claim when the bite occurred.

If you have been bitten by a dog in California, it is important to act quickly and consult with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help you understand your legal rights, determine the appropriate course of action, and ensure that your claim is filed within the appropriate statute of limitations. Call (844) 568-1702 for a free consultation.

Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203


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