• Feb 13, 2024

When Does an Employee Need an Employment Lawyer?

When Does an Employee Need an Employment Lawyer?

Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203

An employee may need an employment lawyer in various situations where they require legal advice or representation related to their employment rights or disputes with their employer. Here are some scenarios in which an employee may benefit from consulting or hiring an employment lawyer:

What are Employment Lawyers?

An attorney who practices employment law represents employees who are involved in different work-related disputes or legal issues in one’s place of work. An employment attorney can review employment contracts, provide legal advice and legal services for issues of: workplace discrimination, miscalculated overtime pay and other wage and hour issues, sexual harassment, and other issues to help plaintiffs recover compensation they deserve.

While many employees may think representing themselves in a dispute against their employer or former employer is a good idea, they may lack the legal knowledge of an experienced employment attorney. The employment law attorneys at Lawyers for Justice, PC (LFJ) have a very comprehensive understanding of employment law and have been helping California workers recover compensation for over a decade. Best of all, LFJ only collect contingency fees from clients, meaning that clients do not pay any money up-front. The experienced employment law attorney team at LFJ only gets paid if their client gets paid.

Here are some examples of employment law cases where an employee may want to hire an employment lawyer.

  1. Discrimination or Harassment Claims:
    • Employees who belong to a protected class have rights to be treated fairly in the workplace. If they experience any discrimination-based treatment at work based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or other factors, they may want to consult with an employment lawyer to understand their rights and options for legal recourse.
  2. Wrongful Termination:
    • If an employee believes they have been wrongfully terminated or retaliated against for exercising their legal rights, such as reporting illegal activities by their boss, filing a workers’ compensation claim, or taking protected leave from the office, they may want to call an employment lawyer.
  3. Wage and Hour Issues:
    • Employees who have concerns about any unpaid wages they believe they are owed, overtime violations, minimum wage violations, misclassification as exempt employees or independent contractors, or other wage and hour issues, should call the employment lawyers at LFJ today for a free consultation.
  4. Contract Negotiation or Review:
    • Employees who are offered an employment contract, severance agreement, non-compete agreement, or other employment-related contracts may benefit from having an employment lawyer review the terms and negotiate on their behalf to protect their interests.
  5. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Issues:
    • Employees who believe their employer has violated their rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) by denying their leave, or retaliating against them for taking FMLA leave, may consult an employment lawyer for assistance.
  6. Whistleblower Protections:
    • Employees who report illegal activities, fraud, or misconduct by their employer and face retaliation as a result may seek legal representation from an employment lawyer to assert their whistleblower protections under state and federal laws.
  7. Disputes Over Employee Benefits:
    • Employees who encounter disputes or issues related to employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, disability benefits, or other fringe benefits may consult an employment lawyer for assistance in resolving these matters.

Employee vs. Employer Lawyer

An employee lawyer and an employer lawyer (also known as management-side lawyers), represent different parties in employment-related legal matters.

Employee Employment Law Attorney:

  1. Represents Employees:
    • An employment law attorney who represents employees primarily represents individual employees or groups of employees in legal matters related to their employment rights and disputes with their employers. This is the type of law Lawyers for Justice, PC practices.
  2. Advocates for Employee Rights:
    • While representing an employee, an experienced employment lawyer advocates for the rights and interests of employee clients, including protecting them from discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, wage and hour violations, and other unfair labor practices.
  3. Legal Services Offered:
    • Employees who seek legal advice can reach out to LFJ and obtain representation in negotiations and settlement discussions and litigating cases in court.
  4. Legal Claims Handled:
  5. Client Representation:
    • Employee lawyers focus on representing the best interests of their individual employee clients and seeking favorable outcomes on their behalf, whether through settlement negotiations, alternative dispute resolution methods, or litigation.

Employer Lawyer (Management-Side Employment Lawyer):

Employment lawyers who represent employers advocates for the rights and best interests of their clients and could defend them against employees who claim they were wronged at work.

Overall, while both employee lawyers and employer lawyers work within the realm of employment law, they have different roles and responsibilities.

Lawyers for Justice, PC is a plaintiff law firm that always looks out for the best interests of the employee. Our lawyers have fought and won cases against some of California’s largest employers.

Should I Hire An Employment Lawyer – FAQ

should i hire an employment lawyer? Employment laws can be complex. It is typically in the best interest of the client to at the very least consult with an employment lawyer to see all the options that can be available to them.

questions to ask an employment lawyer? Employment lawyers can answer any questions about the particular employment issue you may be facing. It’s important to be completely transparent and truthful about the workplace issue you have so they can properly help.

how to win a lawsuit against your employer? When an employee sues their boss, one of the best ways to ensure a win is to work with an experienced lawyer. An employment lawyer can help and protect employees in ways that the employee might not even be aware of. In the initial meeting, the employee and lawyer discuss the workplace issue and the lawyer will guide the process on the best strategy moving forward.

how to find an employment lawyer? Consider reaching out to Lawyers for Justice, PC today. There are no up-front fees and speaking to one of our team members for an initial consultation is absolutely free. Call (844) 568-1702.

Attorney advertisement by Edwin Aiwazian of Lawyers for Justice, PC, headquartered at 450 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203


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